Manly Marlins

Updated Message From Our President

Week starting 23/3/2020
Well it certainly has been an interesting last couple of weeks and here we find ourselves with pubs, clubs, gyms, restaurants and even some schools closed until further notice to try to arrest the spread of this global pandemic. The impact this will have on our sport is nothing short of massive, it is clearly the largest impact to the game that I have seen in my lifetime and I imagine yours also but we will survive this and Manly Rugby Football Club will live to once again grace the Village Green on a winter’s afternoon. That may not be this year but nothing is certain yet. On that note, the various community rugby bodies from SRU, NSWRU and RA are working tirelessly to try to see a way forward but the goal posts keep moving!
I can tell you that the players, whilst official training has been suspended, continue to work in smaller groups and configurations to keep fit and healthy so that they can be ready to hopefully resume official training and games at some point later this season. Matt and his team of coaches, trainers, conditioners etc. are doing a great job under the most trying of conditions. Most importantly, our players and officials are all healthy in respect to this virus. Clearly we must do all we can to make sure that stays this way. Many of you will have seen the report of an infection at Sydney Uni, so no club is immune and we must remain absolutely vigilant to ensure we do everything we can to minimise the chance of an infection amongst our club.
The SRU has a meeting this week of all club General Managers and Rob Gallacher will be at that meeting representing the Marlins. All manner of things are on the agenda from shortened or truncated season plans, games with reduced or no spectators, government financial support and a range of other issues. I must say the spirit of cooperation that I have witnessed through these last couple of weeks across the Sydney Shute Shield clubs has been outstanding and all are working towards a common goal. That’s not to say different clubs don’t have differing priorities based on their individual business models but all are united in working towards getting the boys and girls on the fields of Sydney so long as this happens in a manner that does not put players or spectator’s health at risk.
Your Board is working hard to understand the impact that these alternative competition arrangements might have on the Club from a financial perspective and no stone will be left unturned as we explore our options going forward. Please bear in mind we do not have full control over our destiny, the State and Federal governments will ultimately make decisions that we will have to abide by but we will exercise as much influence as we can to try to make sure the interests of our club are preserved.
On behalf of the Board of the Club, I will be regularly updating our supporters as things develop, as we know how much you all care very deeply about the club and want to know what is happening.
Please look after yourselves and take all measures necessary to reduce you and your families’ chances of catching this terrible virus.
Cameron Douglas
Manly Rugby Football Club